The Past, Present, and Future of Polio in Pakistan
The Past, Present, and Future of Polio in Pakistan is actually a way to depict the grim reality of the fact that polio has some serious controversy in this region. In 1988, the World Health Assembly concluded its meeting with a unanimous decision: Eradicate poliomyelitis by the year 2000. The decision was not one out of blue. Voices for a global campaign to counter this epidemic were getting stronger with every new victim. Thousands of people who became a victim of polio shook the entire global population.
Under this mounting pressure, in 1988, GPEI: Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched. The results produced by this largest public health initiative speak for its success. From deadly prevalence in five continents to being confined to three countries, that is the remarkable story of GPEI. One of those three countries in which Polio still prevails in Pakistan.
Factors influencing the prevalence of Polio in Pakistan
Polio in Pakistan makes quite a heartbreaking story to read. Despite the vigorous vaccination, the Polio endemic still threatens Pakistan courtesy numerous reasons. Highlighting these factors is important because campaigns to fight polio in Pakistan are directly influenced by these factors. Now, let us glance over a few of these factors.
Deplorable Health Infrastructure:
In any underdeveloped country, a choke on the health care budget is a thing of routine. Pakistan is no exception to this tragedy. A handy sum dedicated to Polio Eradication Initiative has made a considerable difference. However, the overall situation needs a remarkable turnaround.
Get more information about Past, Present, and Future of Polio in Pakistan from the official website Transparent Hands Organization.
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